2014年5月25日 星期日

Safety and Security Advice

National Emergency Phone Numbers
(Information provided from Information for Foreigners Website)
You are advised to call the hotline for 24 hours assistance at 0800-024-111 if you have difficulty communicating with the duty officer of 119 or 110 because of language barrier.
Service unitsPhoneServices summary
Police110Criminal offence, traffic accidents and other incidents requesting police assistance.
Fire departments119Fire, assisting accident casualties and other emergencies requesting urgent assistance.
Domestic violence help line113Provides 24 hour emergency assistance in cases of domestic abuse and legal and psychological services for injured parties.

WHEN YOU GO OUT AFTER DARKMAKE SAFE CHOICESPolice 110,Campus Security Hotline (03)2657777 or (03)2655555

Traffic Accidents
Already last semester, some traffic accidents have been reported, all on off-campus. These accidents are caused by “Driving too close behind”, “speeding”, “did not pay attention to the vehicles on both sides”, and “did not let the vehicle which are moving straightforward”.
Tips on Being Safe
  • Speeding is the most important reason behind the accidents.
  • When vehicles are moving at high speeds, drivers are required to pay attention to the vehicles on both sides more intensively than usual.
  • Motorcycle riders and passenger should wear safety helmets. (If they do not wear helmets, motorcycle driver will be fined NT$ 500 according to Taiwan Traffic Penalty Rules.)
  • Riding motorcycle should keep a safety distance.
  • If you ride a motorcycle or drive a car without driving license, you will be punished for a fine 6000-12000 NT dollar.
  • If you cause accidents and result in either injuries or death, drivers are required to take the first-aid measures immediately, comply with legal requirements regarding accidents, and notify police (Call 110 and 119) authority to process the accidents. You may not remove your vehicles and anything related to the accidents. You should call CYCU emergency office. (Call 03-2657777, or 03-2655555)
  • After traffic accident, you can apply to insurance benefits at student affair section using hospital payment receipt.
On-campus Safety
Last semester, at outdoor basketball field and gym, students played ball and did not pay attention for their property. Therefore, somethings were stolen from the students in PE class.
Tips on Being Safe
  • Never leave wallets, purses, checkbooks, laptops and other personal property of value lying visibly in a playground or vehicle or unattended in public places.
  • Avoid isolation. After dark, walk with others.
  • All women's lavatories are installed with the emergency button. If you meet any emergency situation, you can push it and call security officer (call 03-2657777, or 03-2655555) and then security officer will give you assistance.
Off-campus Housing
Tips on Being Safe
  • Don’t overload electrical circuits.
  • All electrical outlets work and all wiring is safe. Fuse box is accessible.
  • If you suspect someone has received an electric shock you must ensure all power sources are isolated before you can treat the casualty.
  • Are the buildings and grounds well maintained?
  • Are there fire extinguishers in the unit?
  • If a fire breaks out, GET OUT and CALL 119.
  • Do not panic in the event of a fire emergency.
  • Never lock fire exits or doorways, halls or stairways.
  • Learn your buildings evacuation plans.
  • Learn the sound of your building’s fire alarm and post emergency numbers near all telephones.
  • The Law for Maintaining Social Order (社會秩序維護法) prohibits any unreason­ably loud noise that disturbs the quiet and comfort of a person with ordinary sensibilities. The Law contains restrictions on the level of noise and the distance from which the noise is coming. The noise cannot be so intense that it is offensive or disturbing. Violations of the law may result in criminal charges. Be smart! Don’t speak loudly late at night and disturb your neighbors.
  • Do not drink too much alcohol in social situations, especially meeting friend at Public Area.
  • Heavy drinking along with drunk driving increases your chances of serious injury or death. Heavy drinking is also linked with physical fighting, destroyed property, school and job problems, and trouble with law enforcement authorities.
  • Taiwan implemented an indoor public area smoking ban on Jan. 11, 2009. Smoking is forbidden in indoor spaces with more than three people, and businesses post “No Smoking” signs. Those who smoke in places where smoking is banned are subject to a fine of NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.
  • Some punishments will be issued if student smokes in our school according to CYCU regulation. 

